“Write the vision and make it plain” (Habakkuk 2:2)


To influence the lost to accept Christ and to promote maturity in the lives of Believers.


The purpose of our church is summarized in a single sentence based on two key scriptures:


“We believe a great commitment to the great commandment and the great commission will grow a great church”!


The Great Commandment:

“Jesus said, ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart…soul…and mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and Prophets hang on these two commandments.’”
Matt. 22:36-40


The Great Commission:

“Jesus said, ‘Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.”
Matt. 28:19-20


•  To “Love God with all your heart” is “WORSHIP

•  To “Love your neighbor as yourself” is “MINISTRY

•  To “Go…make disciples” is “EVANGELISM


•  To “Teach them…all things” is “DISCIPLESHIP


Apostle Roger and Debbie Fyock began this ministry by opening up their home to a bible study group in January of 1994 with their 3 boys (Roger, Matthew and Caleb) and three other people. As the number increased, it was decided to begin a church ministry. They launched out and rented a church building with approximately twenty-five members, with a vision for preaching and teaching the Word of God to the community and to make an impact on this society. The Church was called, “Street Outreach Center” and was Incorporated on February 15, 1995. The name was changed to “Outreach Worship Center” in September 1995.


For eight years, Outreach Worship Center shared their church facilities with another church a couple of blocks west of our current location. In August of 2002, God blessed us with an old building.  With $6,000 in our building fund and a hand full of people, who would have guessed that would be enough money as a down payment on a commercial building?  With God, All things are possible.  With no credit, our church received owner financing for ten years and we immediately began to partially remodel and beautify the facilities.  With everyone in our Church sacrificing their time and hard earned money (over and above their tithes), pulling and working together with the help of God, we succeeded without borrowing any money or getting in any debt!

Approximately five years ago we made the decision to finish the renovations on the church building. Three years and $110,000 later, the building is complete and by the grace and provision of God the Church remains debt free.


In 2019, our church decided it was time to stop focusing on the building and start focusing on renovating people’s lives by equipping them for the work of the ministry and teaching them how to live their lives by faith. Our first step was to give our Church a new name;  the new Church name would be called “Epic Faith Fellowship”.


One of the characteristics that we have discovered is in a strong church the Pastor stays for a long time;  they don’t keep changing pastors every couple of years. We also believe that you judge the health of a church not on its seating capacity but on its sending capacity. How many people are mobilized for the great commission and sent out around the world.  We’re in the sending business.


Apostle Roger and the entire Church family of Epic Faith Fellowship welcome you.  Our heart’s desire is to be a family of believers committed to practicing the Word of Faith and to reach and impact the world with a visible demonstration of the Love of God and share the teachings of Jesus Christ with every man, woman, boy and girl that we come in contact with, both in what we say and by the way we treat others.